"Art is Love…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Dayami Hayek
Paul Zimmerman: How did you get interested in art?
Dayami Hayek: There is no Cuba without art, we can’t breath without art, mu...
NY Times - Through pilot programs, cities are giving checks to artists in hopes of allowing them to focus on their creative output instead of having a second job. - read more...
dezeem - "The pandemic granted us a new moment to take a step back and really engage with our cohorts in the Melbourne design and arts community," said Volker Haug Studio designer Abde Nouamani. - read more ...
NY Times - A few years back, a bevy of art critics declared that Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 sculpture called “Fountain” — a store-bought urinal he had presented, unchanged, as art — was the most influential work of...
Smithsonian - Over the past six months as an Advanced Level Intern at SAAM, I have been engaged in a deep dive into the women artists represented in the museum’s collection. - read more ...
designboom - defined by its soft, calligraphy-covered geometry, killa design’s museum of the future nears completion in dubai.the monumental new icon hosts an exhibition space for forward-thinking innovations....
NY Times - A large retrospective feels at home in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s grandest galleries and should silence any doubt about the artist’s originality or her importance. - read more ...
“Lace has always been a love of mine …”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Nancy Anne Woolf-Pettyjohn
Paul Zimmerman: Your medium is as unique as your work. How did you get interested in lace?
by Christopher Bruni
Tine Weppler’s investigations in form and color at her recent Artifact exhibition address various issues of cultural engagement. The play quality pervades these efforts in which one can di...