NY Times - Writings by the artist, exhibited for the first time in the United States, reveal the psychological trauma that fueled her creativity. - read more ...
“Drawings fly, paintings smile…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Pirjo Hassinen
Paul Zimmerman: How did you develop interest in art?
Pirjo Hassinen: My family on my mothers...
designboom - Growing up among the ‘onion fields and big skies’ of rural america, artist jacob hashimoto collected an open and abundant perspective. - read more ...
"Everything starts in my dreams…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Marta Promińska
Paul Zimmerman: How did you develop interest in art?
Marta Prominska: I didn’t. Art has developed an interes...
domus - “Counter mapping”, a form of resistance mapmaking intended to reveal endangered landscapes, is how photographer Richard Mosse's last project Tristes Tropiques has been described as. - read more ...
“A sense of serenity…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Nobuko Saji
Paul Zimmerman: Congratulations on your current exhibition at Artifact. Tell us about paintings included in this show?
"Art is Love…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Dayami Hayek
Paul Zimmerman: How did you get interested in art?
Dayami Hayek: There is no Cuba without art, we can’t breath without art, mu...
“Lace has always been a love of mine …”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Nancy Anne Woolf-Pettyjohn
Paul Zimmerman: Your medium is as unique as your work. How did you get interested in lace?
by Christopher Bruni
Tine Weppler’s investigations in form and color at her recent Artifact exhibition address various issues of cultural engagement. The play quality pervades these efforts in which one can di...
“I consider Nature to be my most important teacher…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Papuna Dabrundashvili
Paul Zimmerman: Congratulations on your upcoming exhibition in New York. Tell us about selection...