“Shaping feelings…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Marija Orlovic
Paul Zimmerman: How did you get interested in art?
Marija Orlovic: In my childhood it was the feeling of freedom and beauty t...
“A representation of our creative power beyond one's own mortality…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Fiona Watson
Paul Zimmerman: You are a multimedia artist with a strong interest in spatial play...
“My style is constantly evolving…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Sam Dobrow
Paul Zimmerman: How did you develop interest in photography?
Sam Dobrow: When I was in elementary school my fa...
NY Times - Writings by the artist, exhibited for the first time in the United States, reveal the psychological trauma that fueled her creativity. - read more ...
“Drawings fly, paintings smile…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Pirjo Hassinen
Paul Zimmerman: How did you develop interest in art?
Pirjo Hassinen: My family on my mothers...
designboom - Growing up among the ‘onion fields and big skies’ of rural america, artist jacob hashimoto collected an open and abundant perspective. - read more ...
"Everything starts in my dreams…”
Paul Zimmerman in conversation with Marta Promińska
Paul Zimmerman: How did you develop interest in art?
Marta Prominska: I didn’t. Art has developed an interes...
domus - “Counter mapping”, a form of resistance mapmaking intended to reveal endangered landscapes, is how photographer Richard Mosse's last project Tristes Tropiques has been described as. - read more ...
BBC - Fra Angelico's Annunciation draws our eyes towards a recurring symbol that represented both the loss of paradise and the Virgin Mary's purity. Kelly Grovier explores the significance of a fresco's vanishi...
Hyperallergic - In the Armenian Museum of America, there’s a curious collection of dioramas that might represent one of the most unique forms of Armenian-American folk art. On the first floor of the Watertown, ...